Leap into the unknown: From the info-communicational approach to data temporalities


This presentation aims to report on the construction and trajectory of a research object that is at once original, intellectually stimulating and complex. In fact, it follows the question of the relationships that can exist between two notions, both of which are far from being univocal: data and time. However, we do not deal directly with such reports within the framework of this communication. We choose instead to retrace the genesis of this problem and its reformulation in our research work, and to present the different stages of the double path, epistemological and methodological, which marked out our experience of constructing this research object. At the same time, we will address some questions and difficulties that arose during this intellectual process. Questions and difficulties which represent as many possible paths, winding and uncertain, as jumps, forwards, but also backwards…

Jun 5, 2024 11:50 am — 12:20 pm